This whole Christian life is not us trying to do better or even trying to be Christ-like. It is allowing our old life to die. The life that has been shaped by our experiences, by this world, by lies, that does not yield peace or joy. That brings hurt, frustration, guilt, shame, all the things that God never created us to live with or live by.
Why would He invite us to follow Him and be imitators of God? Why would he say “be perfect as I am perfect” if we would never be able to do it? And we always had to try to do it from our carnal, fallen nature. That would be pretty cruel of God to have that expectation to live something that we knew we never could, right? Then enters Christ, that is the fulfillment of the law in the way that we no longer have to work to experience this life in Him. It no longer is the workmanship from our old nature, but rather His life in us. That goes back to what I am thankful for today, and that is His life in us.
He has asked us to make the exchange to lay down this life that the world has created, that did not come from His heart, that has you believing lies. Would you be willing to believe that there is something more? That something more is His life in us. It takes all the pressure off when you stop living for you, that you no longer need to try to incorporate Him into the life you have always known. Then you can really be free to be everything that He always saw you to be.
So today I am thankful for His life in me. His life desires to live big in you. As we yield to that life, we begin to know and express his heart, and become more like Him to the world around us. Let Him radically change your life and express Himself through you. You’ll come to discover who you truly are in Him.